nab, [Hum.] v.t. Take, get quickly, (sp.
wrongdoer). (nab).

'nabob, n. [Hist.] Mohammedan ruler of
division of India; man with much money,
sp, made in India. ('neibɔb).

'nadir, n. Point of sky opp. ZENITH; lowest,
feeblest, point. ('neidiə).

nag, [Com.] n. Horse. (nag).

nag, v.i.&t. Keep pointing out errors,
making sharp-tongued protests (to).

'naiad, [Gk. Fict.] n. Beautiful female
water-being. ('naiad).

nail, 1. n. Metal pin for hammering into
bits of wood etc. as way of joining,
making fixed; horn-like substance covering
end of finger or toe. Hit the nail on the
, say something very much to the
point; pay etc. on the nail, do so straight
away. 2. v.t. Get fixed with n(n). Nail
person down
, make him give clear statement
of his purpose etc. (neil).

'nainsook, n. Thin cotton cloth.

na'ïve, a. Simple, nature, without experience.
'nainsookté (na:'i:vtei), n. Being naïve.

'naked, a. Without clothing; open to view,
uncovered. See with the naked eye, see without
help of an instrument. ('neikid).

'namby-'pamby, a. (Of person, talk) over-sweet,
soft, baby-like. ('nambi'pambi).

name, 1. n. Word(s) by which any person,
animal, place, thing, sort etc. is talked of
or to; opinion which is current about
person etc. In the name of, as representative
of, with the authority of; persons
good name
, the respect others have
for him. 2. v.t. Give a name to; say,
give, the name of; make offer of (price,
conditions etc.); give (person) the position
of. Name person after, give person same
name as (another). 'nameless, a. Sp., whose
name is not given; so bad that one has
no name for it; not noted. 'namely, adv.
That is to say. 'namesake, n. Person named
after another. (neim).

nan'keen, n. Yellow-brown cotton cloth.

'nanny, n. Baby's word for NURSE.
'nanny-goat, n. Female goat. ('nani).

nap, v.i., n. (Take) short sleep. Catch
person napping
, take by surprise, when
unready or not taking care. (nap).

nap, n. Soft, short, brushed-up hairs or
threads forming face of certain sorts of

nap, n. Sort of card-play.

nape, n. Back of neck. (neip).

'napery, [Old] n. Table-linen. ('neipəri).

'naphtha, n. Readily-burning oil got from
coal. 'naphthalene, n. White, strong-smelling,
CRYSTAL substance got from coal, used
for medical and other purposes. ('nafθə).

'napkin, n. Small cloth used at meal for
keeping lips, hands etc. clean; cloth
folded round legs of baby. ('napkin).

narcissism, n. Over-great love of, interest
in, oneself. (na:'sisizm).

nar'cissus (-i), n. Sorts of bulb-plants
with white or yellow flowers. (na:'sisəs

nar'cotic, n., a. (Substance) causing sleep
or unconscious condition. (na:'kɔtik).

nar'rate, v.t. Give an account of, give (a
story). 'narrative, a., n. (Of, in the
form of) a story. (na'reit).

'narrow, 1. a. Measuring little from side
to side, opp. wide; of small range;
narrow-minded; with very little over,
almost not (narrow majority, narrow escape).
2. n. Narrow part of sea, river etc. (gen. narrows).
3. v.t.&i. Make or become narrower,
less. 'narrowly, adv. Only by a little; with
great care, attention. 'narrow-minded, a.
Not ready to see other points of view,
with fixed ideas. ('narou).

'nasal, a. Of the nose; (of sound) produced
through the nose. ('neizl).

'nascent, a. In process of development,
coming into being. ('nasnt).

nas'turtium, n. Garden-plant with bright
red or yellow flowers. (nəs'tə:ʃəm).

'nasty, a. Dirty, disgusting, unpleasing;
bad-humoured; troubling, serious.

'natal, a. Of birth. ('neitl).

na'tation, n. Swimming. (nə'teiʃn).

'nation, n. Group having common language,
history, government. 'national ('naʃnl),
1. a. Of, common to, a nation. National anthem,
special song of a nation. 2. n. Person of
certain nation. 'nationalism, n. Strong feeling
for one's nation; desire for national self-government.
nation'ality (naʃə'naliti), n. Existence
as a nation; being one of a nation
(of F. etc. nationality), 'nationalize, v.t. Sp., make
(land, railways etc.) in to national property;
make (persons) nationals. ('neiʃn).

'native, n., a. (Person, animal, plant)
having had birth in, natural to, a
place; (one) of other than white nation-group,
sp., at low level of development;
(of qualities) which one has from birth.
One's native land, land of one's birth.
na'tivity (nə'tiviti), n. Birth. The Nativity,
the birth of Christ. ('neitiv).

'natty, a. Pleasing to the eye, small.
well-designed; well-dressed. ('nati).

'nature, n. The system of natural things
with its laws, everything on earth other
than the works of man; [Fict.] force
controlling this; the country, its plants
and animals; simple, outdoor, animal-like
existence; necessary qualities of
a thing; a person's general tendencies of
mind, feeling; sort (of this nature). In the nature
of a
, like, almost, a. 'natural ('natʃrəl),
1. a. Of, forming a part of, in agreement
with, nature or one's nature; not changed
or produced by art; not surprising,
normal; (of behaviour) simple, unself-conscious;
[Mus.] of, to do with, normal
scale of C, not SHARP or FLAT
(A, B etc. natural). Natural daughter (son), off-spring
of persons not married to one
another; natural history, branch of learning
having to do with facts of nature, sp.
animals; natural selection, theory that those
sorts of plants and animals whose adjustment
to conditions is poor, in time go out
of existence. 2. n. [Mus.] Natural note; sign (♮)
put before a note making it a natural;
person feeble-minded from birth.
'naturalism, n. (In art) the picturing
of things as they are, in a way true to
nature. 'naturalist, n. One interested in,
expert at, natural history. naturalistic,
a. Marked by naturalism. 'naturalize,
v.t. Sp., make (person) by law one of a
nation which is not his by birth; take
(word etc.) from one language into
another. ('neitʃa).

naught, n. Nothing; 0. (nɔ:t).

'naughty, a. (Of the young) bad in
behaviour, giving trouble; taking pleasure
in being a little shocking. ('nɔ:ti).

'nausea, n. Tendency to send up food from
stomach; leeling of disgust. 'nauseate ('nɔ:sieit),
v.t. Give nausea to. 'nauseous, a.
Disgusting. ('nə:siə).

nautch, n. Dancing done by E.-Indian
dancing girls. (nɔ:tʃ).

'nautical, a. Of ships, seamen. ('nɔ:tikl).

'nautilus, a. Small sea-animal with curving
SHELL. ('nɔ:tiləs).

'naval, a. Of ships or NAVY. ('neivl).

nave, n. Middle part of church where seats
are. (neiv).

'navel, n. Small hollow in front of body
where stomach is. ('neivl).

'navigate, v.t.&i. Be sailing, controlling
direction of (ship, airplane); take ship
on, through (sea, river etc.). 'navigable,
a. (Of sea, river) able to be navigated;
(of ship) in good condition. navi'gation,
n. Sp., science of learning position, keeping
direction, at sea. ('navigeit).

'navvy, n. Workman who does rough, hard
work in making of roads etc. ('navi).

'navy, n. Ships, men, of nation's sea-force.
Navy blue, dark blue. ('neivi).

na'wab, n. Indian of high birth or in high
ruling position. (nə'wa:b).

nay, [Old] int. No; and even (more). (nei).

'Nazi, n., a. (One) of German political
group which came into power in 1933.

'neap(neap'tide), n. TIDE in which high
water is at lowest level of the year.

near, 1. adv. Opp. far in space or time;
almost. 2. prep. Opp. far from in space,
time, condition. 3. a. Opp. far; (of
relation) near in family tree; (of side of
horse, carriage) left; not readily giving
money etc. Near friend, one dear and frequently
seen; near thing, something almost
ending in trouble, damage, destruction.
4. v.i.&t. Come near (to). 'nearby, a. Near.
'nearly, adv. Almost; from near to, in detail.
Not nearly, not at all, far from. near-sighted, a.
Not able to see far-off things clearly. (niə).

neat (neat), [Old] n. Any animal of cow
family. (ni:t).

neat, a. In good order, with nothing out of
its place; pleasingly simple for its purpose;
well said in small number of
words; (of alcohol drink, etc.) unmixed
with water.

'nebula (nebulae), n. Group of far-away
stars or mass of gas seea as bright cloud
in sky. 'nebular, a. Of nebulae. 'nebulous, a.
Cloud-like, not clear in outline, purpose.

'necessary, 1. a. Without which some act
or condition is not possible; which has to
be done; which it is very important to do;
which has to be, which is not able to
be other than it is. 2. n. Thing necessary
for existence (gen. necessarys) ne'cessitate
(ni'sesiteit), v.t. Make necessary.
ne'cessitous, a. Poor, in. need. ne'cessity,
n. Conditions, force, making something
necessary; fact of being necessary;
condition of need; necessary thing.

neck, n. Part joining head to body; that
part of dress etc. round the neck; narrow
part of bottle near mouth; narrow
part between wider parts. Get it in the neck,
[Hum.] be given a very bad time,
undergo hard punishment; low neck, top of
dress cut out so that neck, chest etc. are
uncovered; neck and crop, with force,
roughly, completely; neck and neck, keeping
level in competition; neck or nothing,
chancing everything in the hope of
doing well. 'neckband, n. Part of dress etc.
going round neck. 'necklace ('neklis), n.
Ornament for putting round neck. 'necklet,
n. Necklace; cover for neck made of
animal's coat. 'necktie, n. Narrow band of silk
etc. for knotting round shirt collar. (nek).

'necromancy, n. Art of learning about the
future etc. from shades of the dead.
'necromancer, n. ('nekroumansi).

me'cropolis, n. CEMSTERY, sp. of early
times. (nelcrɔpəlis).

ne'crosis, n. Death, dead condition of
bone or other part of body. (ne'krousis).

'nectar, n. Drink of Gk. GODS; sweet
liquid produced by flowers. ('nektə).

'nectarine, n. Sort of smooth-skinned
PEACH. ('nektərin).

née, [F.] a. (Of woman) having had (certain
name) by birth, before being
married. (nei).

need, 1. n. Condition in which some act,
thing, is necessary; being without something
necessary; being very poor; thing
needed. 2. v.t.&i. Have need for, be without;
have need. to (do). Hen, not do, have
done etc.
, it is, was, not necessary for him
to do etc. 'needful, a. Necessary. 'needless, a.
Unnecessary. needs, adv. Only must needs or
needs must, have to, be forced to (do). 'needy,
a. Poor. (ni:d).

'needle, n. Pointed steel instrument with
hole for thread, used in stitching; other
sorts of needle-like instrument, sp. for
working with thread, wool; pointer on
face of recording-apparatus etc.; sharply
pointed mountain, mass of stone etc.;
needle-like leaf of some evergreens. 'needlewoman,
n. One doing needlework. 'needlework,
n. Work done, material produced, by
stitching, sp., or namented needlework. ('ni:dl).

ne'er, [Let.] adv. Never. ne'er-do-well
('neəduwel). A good-for-nothing. (neə).

ne'farious, a. Very bad, wrong. (ni'feəriəs).

negation, n. (Act of making) negative
statement; the opposite or not being
present (of something). ne'gate, v.t.
Negative. 'negative ('negativ), 1. a.
(Of words, answer etc.) making statement
or suggestion that thing is not
so, saying "no"; without clearly
marked qualities; (of quality) formed by
the opposite not being present (negative
); equal to or less than nothing;
[Sc.] see POLE. Negative electricity, that produced
by rubbing RESIN. 2. n. Negative statement
or word; camera-picture in which
light and shade are in opposite to natural
positions, from which prints are made.
3. v.t. Say "no" to (idea, statement);
make clear that (argument etc.) is
wrong; take away effect of. (ni'geiʃn).

ne'glect, 1. v.t. Take no or not enough
care of; give no attention to, not do;
take no steps (to). 2. n. Neglecting or
being neglected. ne'glectful, a. Neglecting.
'negligent ('neglidʒənt), a. Not taking enough care. 'negligible, a. Not important
or great enough to be taken into
account. (ni'glekt).

'négligé, [F.] n. (Condition of being in)
loose bedroom dress. ('negli:ʒei).

ne'gotiate, v.i.&t. Have discussion (with)
for purpose of coming to agreement;
make come about, get fixed, by negotiating;
get or give money for (cheques etc.);
get round (some trouble, something which
is in the way). ne'gotiable, a. Sp., (of
cheque etc. or property)
which may be exchanged
for money. (ni'gouʃieit).

'negro, 1. n. Black-skinned
African man. 2. a. Of negros
as group. 'negress, n. 'negroid
('ni:grɔid), a. Negro-like.

'negus, n. Warm wine and
water. ('ni:gəs).

neigh, n., v.i. Cry of horse. (nei).

'neighbour, n. Person living in house,
street etc. near another; person, thing,
near or nearest another. 'neighbourhood, n. (Persons
living in) some one part of town or
country; condition of being near. 'neighbouring,
a. Nearby. 'neighbourly, a. Acting like a kind
neighbour. ('neibə).

'neither, 1. adv. And not, equally not (I
will not go and neither will he
). Neither ... nor ...,
not ... or ... . 2. a., pron. Not the one or
the other (of two). ('naiðə).

'Nemesis, n. (Gk. Higher Being causing)
punishment, downfall, which comes to
person as effect of his acts. ('nemisis).

'neo-, New, later (neo-paganism). neo'lithic
(ni:ou'liθik), a. Of the later of the 2
stages in history when stone instruments
were used. ne'ologism (ni:'ɔlədʒizm),
n. Making of new words; new
word. 'neophyte ('ni:oufait), n. One who
has newly taken up some belief; NOVICE.

'neon, n. Gas present in very small amount
in air, used in electric signs. ('ni:ɔn).

'nephew, n. Person's brother's or sister's
son. ('nevju:).

'nepotism, n. The giving of positions etc.,
by person in power, to his relations.

nerve, 1. n. Thread-like connection taking
impulses of feeling, motion, between
brain and parts of body; quality of facing
danger well, not feeling fear; supporting
structure of leaf; [Old] cord joining
muscle to bone. Nerves, sp., condition of
feeling trouble, pain, shock etc. to
more than normal degree; get on one's
, be troubling to one in way which by
degrees overcomes self-control. 2. v.t.
Make strong, take away fear from.
'nerveless, a. Sp., feeble, without force.
'nervous, a. Of nerves; feeling fear,
getting worked up, over-readily; (of
language) pointed, full of force. 'nervy,
a. In nervous condition. (nə:v).

'nescient, a. Without knowledge.

nest, 1. n. Place made by bird for its
eggs; place where animal gives birth to,
keeps, its young; place of warm comfort;
group of like things together or one inside
another. 2. v.i. Make or have nest. 'nest-egg,
n. False egg put in fowl's nest to get it
to have eggs; money put on one side
for use in time of need. 'nestle ('nesl), v.i.
Put oneself, be, in warm nest-like place
(in, among etc.); be pushing oneself
lovingly (against etc.). 'nestling ('nestliŋ),
n. Young bird before it is able to go
from nest. (nest).

net, 1. n. Open-work material formed
of knotted thread, cord, hair etc.; bit
of net used for some special purpose, sp.,
for getting animals. 2. v.t.&i. Take (as)
in, get covered with or prisoned in net;
make (thread etc.) into n.; make (bag etc.)
by netting. 'netting, n. Sp., net material.
'network, n. Net material; complex
structure or design of lines etc. going
across one another. (net).

net(t), 1. a. (Of amount) from which there
are no further amounts to be taken off.
N. price, one from which nothing more
will be taken; net profit, profit after
payments for work etc. have been made.
2. v.t. Get or be producing as n. profit.

'nether, [Old] a. Lower. '-most, a.
Lowest. ('neðə).

'nettle, 1. n. Sorts of common field plant,
sp. one making skin red and causing
pain when touched. 2. v.t. Make a little
angry. 'n.-rash, n. Skin-trouble in
which small red marks are formed on
skin. ('netl).

'neur(o)-, To do with nerves ('neuropa'thology).
neu'ralgia (nju'raldʒə),
n. Sharp pain in nerves, sp. of
face and head. neuras'thenia (nj'uərəs'θi:njə),
n. Poor condition of nerve
system. neu'ritis (nju'raitis), n. Nerve
INFLAMMATION. neu'rology, n. Branch
of medical science to do with nerves.
neu'rosis (neuroses) (nju'rousis), n.
Unbalanced condition of mind caused by
changes in brain structure. neu'rotic
(nju'rətik), n., a. (Person) with over-delicate
nerve reactions, tendency to
neurosis. ('njuər(ou)-).

'neuter, a. (Of plant) without male or
female parts; [Lang.] of GENDER which
is not sign of male or female. ('nju:tə).

'neutral, 1. a. Not supporting one side or
the other in a war; without opinion on
one side or the other in argument etc.;
not clearly one thing or another, without
marked qualities; [Sc.] not acid or
ALKALI. 2. n. N. person or country. -'ize,
v.t. Sp., take away effect of. ('nju:trəl).

'never, adv. At no time, not ever. N.
Don't be troubled; Well, In.!
[Com.] What a surprise! -more, adv.
Never again. -the'less, conj. Though
that is so. ('nevə).

new, 1. a. First made, designed, seen, experienced,
used, at the time in question,
not long made, used, in existence;
different, changed, in place of another.
2. adv. Not long before, newly. '-comer
('nju:kʌmə), n. One who has newly come
to place or is there for first time. '-fangled
('nju:'faŋgld), a. Unpleasingly new
and strange. (nju:).

news, n. Account of some new thing,
event, new facts. 'n.-agent, n. Trader
in newspapers. 'n.-boy, n. Boy trading
in newspapers on street. '-paper
('nju:speipə), n. Pages of paper on which
news is printed, gen. coming out every
day. (nju:z).

newt, n. Water LIZARD. (nju:t).

next, 1. a. Nearest; coming after in time
with no other thing between. N. door, in
or to then. house. 2. adv. In then. place,
time, or degree. 3. prep. In(to) the
place, degree nearest to. 4. n. N. person,
thing. N. of kin, nearest relation. (nekst).

'nexus, n. Connection. ('neksəs).

nib, n. Pointed metal part of pen. Nn.,
crushed COCOA seeds. (nib).

'nibble, v.t.&i., n. Take small bites of.

nice, a. Pleasing, good; delicate, needing
care in judging etc.; with delicate tastes,
not readily pleased. '-ty ('naisiti), n.
Quality of doing, being done, with
delicate care, without error; delicate
shade (of sense etc.); unimportant detail.
To a n., without any error. (nais).

niche, n. Shelf-like place in wall for form
cut in stone or other ornament. (nitʃ).

nick, v.t., n. (Make) small V-like cut (in),
sp. as guiding mark. In then. of time, at
the latest possible minute. (nik).

'nickel, n. Silver-white metal freq. mixed
with, or used for coating, other metals.

'nickname, 1. n. Name given in addition
to or in place of true name. 2. v.t. Give
n. to. ('nikneim).

'nicotine, n. Poison in liquid form in, got
from, tobacco. 'nicotinism, n. Tobacco
poisoning. ('nikəti:n).

niece, n. Person's brother's or sister's
daughter. (ni:s).

'niggard, n. One not giving readily. '-ly,
a. Giving or given in small amounts,
unreadily. ('nigəd).

'nigger, [Com.] n. NEGRO or one of any
dark-skinned group. ('nigə).

'niggle, v.i. Give much attention to unimportant
details. 'niggling, a. ('nigl).

nigh, [Old] a. Near. (nai).

night, n. Dark hours between day and
day, from sundown to sun-up; the
dark. Make a n. of it, be pleasure-making
through all or most of then.
'-cap, n. Sp., drink taken at bed-time.
'n.-dress, 'n.-gown, nn. Woman's
dress for sleeping in. '-fall, n. End
of daylight. -ingale, n. Small bird
noted for beautiful night song. '-light,
n. Short, thick, slow-burning wax-light.
'-ly, a. Done, taking place, at night or
every night. '-mare, n. Sleep-experience
causing fear. '-shade, n. Sorts of field
plant, some of which have poison
berries. '-shirt, n. Boy's or man's for
sleeping in. '-y, n. Night-dress. (nait).

'nihilist, n. One of group in Russia before
1917 desiring complete destruction of
government and society then in existence.

nil, n. Nothing. (nil).

'nimble, a. Quick, expert in motion; (of
mind) quick, sharp. ('nimbl).

'nimbus, n. Bright cloud; HALO; rain-clond.

'nincompoop, n. Foolish, feeble person.

nine, 9. Dressed up to the nn., dressed in
one's best clothing. '-pin, n. Any of 9
bottle-like bits of wood used in ninepins.
'-pins, n. Sport in which attempt
is made at overturning ninepins with
rolling ball. '-teen, 19. '-ty, 90. ninth
(nainθ), a. (nain).

'ninny, n. NINCOMPOOP. ('nini).

nip, 1. n. Small, quick, sharp bite, grip;
DRAM of alcohol. A n. in the air, feeling
of cold. 2. v.t.&i. Give small, sharp bite
etc. to; put sudden stop to growth,
development, of (sp., n. in the bud);
[Hum.] go quickly. '-per, n. Grippmg-part
of certain animals; [Hum.] small
boy. Nn., gripping- instrument. '-py, a.
(Of weather) cold; [Hum.] quick in
motions. (nip).

'nipple, n. Pointed part of BREAST; n.-like
part. ('nipl).

nir'vana, n. (In Buddhist religion) highest
condition, in which self becomes part of
the power ruling all existence. (niə'va:nə).

nit, n. Egg of LOUSE or other such insect
living on other animal. (nit).

'nitre, n. Salt formed from POTASH, used
in making gunpowder. 'nitrate, n. Any
substance formed by chemical reaction
of nitric acid with ALKALI. 'nitric, a.
N. acid, clear liquid acid without colour,
readily biting into metal and other
substances. 'nitrogen ('naitrədʒən), n.
Gas without colour, taste, or smell,
forming about 4/5ths of air. nitro-'glyoerine,
n. Sort of very strong
EXPLOSIVE. ('naitə).

no, 1. a. Not any, not a, quite other than
a. In n. time, very quickly; n. doubt,
probably, certainly; n. fear, [Com.] certainly
not; n. wonder (that), it is not surprising
(that); there is n. ---ing, it is not
possible to ---. 2. adv. By no amount,
not at all; (after or) not. 3. int. Opp. yes.
4. n. The answer " No " or statement
having that sense. '-body, n. No person;
unimportant person. '-thing
('nʌθin), 1. n. No thing; no amount;
uninportant thing. There is n. for it but
, the only possible thing is to. 2. adv.
Not at all, in no way. '-where, adv. In,
at, to, no place. (nou).

'nobble, [Com.] v.t. Do something to
(horse) for purpose of damaging its
chance in competition; become owner
of by trick. ('nɔbl).

'noble, 1. a. Of high birth, position; with
high, great, qualities; kind, not small-minded;
important-looking, causing respect.
2. n. Nobleman. no'bility, n. Sp.,
noblemen and their families as a group.
'-man, n. PEER or one of like position
in countries other than England.

noc'tumal, a. Of, in, done or acting at,
night. 'nocturne ('nɔktə:n), n. Picture
of place at night; sweet, soft bit of
music. (nɔk'tə:nl).

nod, v.t.&i., n. Make down and up
motion with (head) as sign of agreement
or when meeting friend; let head go forward
in condition of half-sleep. Land of
, [Hum.] sleep; nodding acquaintance
, very small knowledge of. (nɔd).

'noddle, [Hum.] n. Head. ('nɔdl).

node, n. Hard round mass formed on root
or branch; [Sc.] point where leaf is
joined to stem; [Med.] hard growth
formed sp. on diseased bone; [Math.]
point at which curve goes across itself.
'noddle ('nɔdju:l). n. Small round mass
of anything; small node. (noud).

No'el, n. Christmas. (nou'el).

noise, 1. n. Loud, sp. unpleasing, sound;
any sound. Big n., [Hum.] important
person. 2. v.t. Only n. facts etc. abroad,
make public, widely talked about. '-less,
a. Without sound. (nɔiz).

'noisome, a. (Sp. of smell) disgusting.

'nomad, n., a. (One of a group) having no
fixed living-place, moving from place to
place. no'madic, a. ('noumad).

'nom de 'plume, [F,] n. Name used by
writer in place of his true name.
('nɔm də 'plu:m).

no'menclature, n. System of names or
naming. (nou'menklətʃə).

'nominal, a. Having existence in name or
word only. A n. amount, price etc., a very
small one. ('nɔminl).

'nominate, v.t. Make selection of for,
put name of (person) forward for selection
to, position. nomi'nation, n. Sp.,
right of nominating. 'nominative
('nɔminətiv), [Lang.] a., n. (Of) form of
noun or a. used for doer of an act.
nomi'nee, n. ('nɔmineit).

non-, Not being or doing something.
(n.-human, a., n.-intervention). 'n.-corn'missioned
, n. OFFICER in
army etc. without COMMISSION. n.-com-mittal,
a. Not giving decision one way
or the other. n.-conductor, n. Substance
not transporting heat, electric
current etc. -conformist, n., a. Person,
sp. PROTESTANT, not supporting beliefs
of church of nation. -conformity, n.
(Beliefs of) nonconformists; not CONFORMING.
-'entity, n. Thing without
existence; unimportant person. (nɔn-).

'nonage, n. Being a MINOR. ('nounidʒ).

nonage'narian, n., a. (One who is) 90 to 99
years old. (nounədsi'neəriən).

nonce, n. Only for the n., for the present
only. (nɔns).

'nonchalant, a. With air of being
unmoved, not greatly interested.

'nondescript, n., a. (Thing, person) without
very strongly marked qualities.

none, 1. a., pron. Not any (person(s),
thing(s), amount). 2. adv. By no amount,
in no degree (only n. the less, n. too good,
etc.). (nʌn).

'non'plus, v.t. Put completely at a loss.

'nonsense, n. Words without sense;
foolish ideas or behaviour. ('nɔnsns).

'noodle, n. Long band of MACARONI-like
paste, gen. made with eggs. ('nu:dl).

'noodle, n. Foolish, feeble-minded

nook, n. Quiet, out-of-the-way,
shut-in place. (nuk).

noon, n. 12 in day. '-day, '-tide,
nn. Tme about noon. (nu:n).

noose, v.t., n. (Get or keep as
prisoner with) cord which has
slipping knot at end becoming
tight when pulled. (nu:s).

nor, conj. And not, and equally not
(freq. neither ... nor ...). (nɔ:).

norm, n. Form, qualities, taken as
representative of group for purpose of
judging other examples of it, most common
form of a thing. '-al, a. In agreement
with norm. N. school, training-school for
teachers. (nɔ:m).

north, 1. n., a. (Point, part) at left side of
person who is facing E.; n. part
of earth, country; (of wind) from n.
(To the) n. of, farther n than. 2. adv.
In, to, the n. '-erly ('nɔ:tdəli), a., adv.
To, (of wind) from, N. '-ern, a. In, of, N.
'-erner, n. One living in N. (nɔ:θ).

nose, 1. n. Part of face,, having openings for
breathing through, with which smelling
is done; sense of smell; open end of pipe
etc.; forward, n.-like part. Pay through
the n.
, give a very high price; put person's
n. out of joint
, make him angry, unhappy,
by getting more attention than he, etc.
2. v.t.&i. Get the smell of, make discovery
of by smell; be smelling, looking
(about, for); put n. into. N. out, make
discovery of by nosing. 'n.-dive, n. Sudden
drop of airplane with nose pointing
to earth. '-gay, n. Mass of cut flowers
put together. 'nosy, a. Over-interested
in business of others. (nouz).

nos'talgia, n. Feeling of being HOMESICK.

'nostril, n. One or other of 2 openings in
nose. ('nɔstril).

'nostrum, n. Substance etc. for overcoming
disease, offered to public by person
not medically trained, PANACRA.

not, adv. Used as sign that something is
the opposite of a fact (this is n. a book,
he did n. go). N. a little
, sp., much; n. at
, certainly n., in no way. (nɔt).

'notable, a. Important, such as to be
noted. nota'bility, n. Sp., important
person. ('noutəbl).

'notary, n. Person with authority to put
statements, agreements etc. into form
made necessary by law. ('noutəri).

no'tation, n. (Use of) any system of signs
representative of numbers, amounts etc.

notch, v.t., n. (Make) small, V-like cut
(in). (nɔtʃ).

note, 1. n. [Mus.] simple unit sound
of fixed quality; [Mus.] sign representative
of such sound and how long it
is to be, used in writing music; any
of parts of piano moved by fingers;
[Mus.] any of group of nn. forming
scale; quality of voice giving sign
of some feeling; short record of facts,
events, made as help to memory; short
letter; letter from one government to
another; short statement making clear
some point in book, etc.; bit of paper
money. N. of hand, undertaking in
writing to make payment by certain
time; of n., important; take n. of, give
attention to, take into account. 2. v.t.
Take n. of; keep in mind, make a n. of.
'-d, a. Important, with a great name.
'n.-paper, n. Paper for letters.
'-worthy, a. Important, to be noted.

'nothing. See NO.

'notice, 1. n. News specially given to
public or person of something about to
take place; n. to or from worker, property
owner etc. that position, house
etc. is to be given up on certain day; a
printed etc. statement of n., rules,
directions, freq. put up in public place;
short note, account, of event in newspaper;
attention. Take n. of, give
attention to. 2. v.t. See, take note of.

'notify, v.t. Give NOTICE of or to. 'notifiable,
a. Which has to be notified to
authorities. ('noutifai).

'notion, n. Idea; view, opinion, theory
Nn., (in Am. stores) pins, needles etc.

no'torious, a. Noted, much talked about,
sp., for bad qualities. noto'riety (noutə'raiəti).
n. (nə'tɔ:riəs).

notwith'standing, prep. Though (something)
is so, not any less because of.

'nougat, n. Sort of sweet. ('nu:ga:).

nought, n. 0, no number. (nɔ;t).

noun, [Lang.] n. Word used as name of
person or thing. (naun).

'nourish, v.t. Keep or make strong with
food; keep up (hope, hate etc.). '-ing,
a. Full of nourishment. '-ment, n. Sp.,
food, power of nourishing. ('nʌriʃ).

nous, n. [Com.] Common sense. (naus).

'nouveau 'riche, [F.] One who has newly
become well-off, sp. as having unpleasing
ways. ('nu:vou'ri:ʃ).

'novel, 1. a. Of a new sort, strange. 2. n.
Story of fiction printed as complete
book. -'ette, n. Short novel. '-ist, n.
Writer of novels. '-ty, n. ('nɔvl).

No'vember, n. 11th month of year.

'novice, n. Person new to some work, not an
expert; one in first stage of joining order
of religion. no'vitiate (nou'viʃiit). n.
Time, condition, of being a novice.

now, 1. adv. At the present time, by this
time; used without idea of time as way
of starting statement to get attention,
etc. (freq. n. then). Just n., only a short
time back; n. and again (then), at times,
not frequently. 2. conj. As an effect of
the fact that. 3. n. The present time.
'-adays, adv. In our time. (nau).

'nowhere. See NO.

'noxious, a. Bad, unhealthy. ('nɔkʃəs).

'nozzle, n. Pointed outlet of pipe or other
apparatus. ('nɔzl).

nu'ance, n. Very delicate shade, quality,
making one colour, sense etc., different
from another. (nju'ɔns).

'nucleus, n. Middle part, that round which
other things are grouped; thing, amount,
to which additions are made; [Sc.] body
in CELL necessary for its growth.
'nuclear, a. ('nju:kliəs).

nude, 1. a. Unclothed. 2. n. N. form in
painting etc. 'nudist, n. One with belief
that it is healthy to go about nude.

nudge, 1. n. Push given with ELBOW to get
attention, etc. 2. v.t. Give n. to. (nʌdʒ).

'nugatory, a. Without value, effect.

'nugget, n. Rough mass of gold in natural
condition. ('nʌgit).

'nuisance, n. Thing, act, person, causing
trouble. ('nju:sns).

null, a. Of no effect, without force in law.

'nullah, n. (In India) river-bed, narrow
opening between slopes. ('nʌlə).

numb, v.t., a. (Make) without feeling or
power of motion. (nʌm).

'number, 1. n. Amount of units; group
which may be measured by units; word
or sign representative of some n.; the
newspaper etc. for some day, week etc.;
stage song, dance etc. Nn., sp., a great
n.; verses, units of verse rhythm; a n. of,
some, a great n. of; back n., thing or
person not in harmony with the present
time; without n., numberless. 2. v.t. Get
the n., make addition, of; put n(n). on;
come to (certain n.), be in n. N. among,
be looking on as one of. '-less, a. More
than may be numbered. ('nʌmbə).

'numerable, a. Of which the number may
be given. ('nju:mərəbl).

'numeral, 1. n. Word, sign for a number.
2. a. Representative of a number; of
numbers. nume'ration, n. Numbering;
[Math.] putting of numbers into words.
'numerator, n. Number over the line
in a FRACTION. nu'merical, a. Of, in,
to do with, numbers. 'numerous, a.
Great in number, a great number of.

numis'matics, n. The science of COINS.
nu'mismatist, n. (nju:miz'matiks).

'numskull, n. Feeble-minded, foolish,
person or his head. ('nʌmskʌl).

nun, n. Woman living as one of order of
religion away from other society. '-nery,
n. House of nuns. (nʌn).

'nuncio, n. Representative of POPE in
any country. ('nʌnʃiou).

'nuptial, a. To do with getting married
or married condition. -s, n. pl. The
forms, event, of getting married.

nurse, 1. n. Person (sp. trained for) looking
after ill persons; woman looking after
babies for a living. Wet n., woman who
gives her milk to another's baby.
2. v.t.&i. Be acting as n. to, be a n.;
have (baby) in arms, on knees; give
one's milk to (baby); give care making
possible the development of (business
etc.). '-ling, n. Baby, sp. in relation to its
nurse. '-ry ('nə:sri), n. Room in house
for use of young boys and girls; place
for development of young plants. '-ryman,
n. Owner of plant nursery. (nə:s).

nurture, 1. n. Care, training, of young
person. 2. v.t. Give n. to. ('nə:tʃə).

nut, 1. n. Fruit formed of hard outer
cover round soft seed which is good
for food; such seed; bit of metal for
screwing on to end of screw, rod etc. to
keep it fixed (see BOLT); [Hum.] head.
2. v.i. Be looking for, getting, nn.
'-crackers, n. pl. Instrument for
cracking nuts open. '-hatch, n. Small
bird living on nuts. (nʌt).

'nutmeg, n. Hard, small, round, sweet-smelling
seed of E. Indian evergreen,
used to give taste in cooking.

'nutria, n. Hair and skin of small S. Am.
animal. ('nju:triə).

'nutriment, n. Nutritious food. 'nutrient,
a. Acting as food. nu'trition,
n. (Building up with, giving) food.
nu'tritious, a. With high food value.
'nutritive, a. Nutritious; of nutrition.

'nuzzle, v.i.&t. Be rubbing, pushing,
into, against, with the nose. ('nʌzl).

nymph, n. [Fict.] Beautiful female being
living in seas, mountains, rivers, trees
etc.; [Let.] beautiful young woman.